Ignition - Spark

Ignition - Spark Tools

Ignition and spark tools are essential for automotive mechanics to diagnose and repair problems with the ignition system. This system is responsible for creating the spark that ignites the fuel in the engine, so any problems with it can cause the engine to misfire or not start at all.

Types of Ignition and Spark Tools

There are a variety of ignition and spark tools available, each designed for a specific purpose. Some of the most common types of tools include:

  • Spark plugs: These are the components that create the spark in the engine. They can be removed and inspected for signs of wear or damage.
  • Spark plug wires: These wires connect the spark plugs to the ignition coil. They can be checked for cracks or damage.
  • Ignition coils: These coils generate the high voltage needed to create the spark. They can be tested for proper operation.
  • Distributor caps and rotors: These components distribute the spark to the spark plugs. They can be checked for wear or damage.
  • Ignition switches: These switches turn the ignition system on and off. They can be tested for proper operation.

How to Use Ignition and Spark Tools

Ignition and spark tools are relatively easy to use. However, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to avoid damaging the components.

To remove a spark plug, use a spark plug wrench to loosen the plug. Once the plug is loose, carefully remove it from the engine. Inspect the plug for signs of wear or damage. If the plug is damaged, it should be replaced.

To check the spark plug wires, disconnect the wires from the spark plugs. Then, use a spark tester to check for spark at each wire. If there is no spark, the wire is bad and should be replaced.

To test the ignition coil, connect a voltmeter to the coil terminals. With the engine running, the voltmeter should read between 10 and 20 volts. If the reading is lower than 10 volts, the coil is bad and should be replaced.

To test the distributor cap and rotor, disconnect the cap from the distributor. Then, use a spark tester to check for spark at each terminal. If there is no spark, the cap or rotor is bad and should be replaced.

To test the ignition switch, connect a voltmeter to the switch terminals. With the key in the "On" position, the voltmeter should read between 12 and 14 volts. If the reading is lower than 12 volts, the switch is bad and should be replaced.


Ignition and spark tools are essential for automotive mechanics to diagnose and repair problems with the ignition system. By using these tools properly, mechanics can quickly and easily identify and fix problems, keeping vehicles running smoothly.

Bulleted List: Types of Ignition and Spark Tools

  • Spark plugs
  • Spark plug wires
  • Ignition coils
  • Distributor caps and rotors
  • Ignition switches

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